Investment Banking

Investment banking is a particular segment of banking operation that helps individuals or organizations raise capital and provide financial consultancy services to them.

Investment banking is among the most complex financial mechanisms in the world. They serve many purposes and business entities. They provide various types of financial services, such as

  •  proprietary trading or trading securities for their accounts.
  •  mergers and acquisitions advisory, which involves helping organizations in M&As;
  •  Leveraged finance involves lending money to firms to purchase assets and settle acquisitions. 
  • restructuring that involves improving structures of companies to make a business more efficient and help it make maximum profit, where these banks help new firms go public.
Mergers & Acquisitions

Bondwell helps its clients to assess the strategic rationale behind the move and ensures that the M&A strategy align with the broader..

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Private Equity

We devise sustainable restructuring strategies that address both the client’s overall business objective and the business environment.

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Financial Management

We offer end-to-end solutions to corporates with innovative capital structuring strategies to help them launch.

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International Financial Management

Bondwell helps its clients to assess the strategic rationale behind the move and ensures that the M&A strategy align with the broader..

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